Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Capital City - London
Currency - British Pound
Population - 51,446,000 (2008 estimate)
National Language - English
Type of Government - Constitutional Monarchy
Leaders - Elizabeth II (Monarch); David Cameron (Prime Minister)
Country's Motto - "Dieu et mon droit" - Translates to mean "God and my right."

Location - England is part of the United Kingdom.  It is bordered on the north by Scotland and on the west by Wales.  The remainder of the island is bordered by water including the Irish Sea and the Celtic Sea to the west, the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south.

Climate - England has a temperate maritime climate with dampness that can be both frequent and fleeting.

Religion - Since the Middle Ages, Christianity has been the most practiced religion in England.  About 72% of the country consider themselves Christian, with the largest subgroup being Anglicans or Church of England.  Muslims now account for about 5% of the population; Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs account for 2%.  Jews have a considerably smaller number of the population thanks, in great part, to their expulsion in 1290 (for which they were not allowed to return until the mid 1600's).  About 15% of the country consider themselves to be without any religion.
Cuisine - The cuisine of England is best known for its simplicity of form and manner.  The staple food items, such as meat and potatoes, are often roasted or boiled before being served.  

Most Famous Landmark - There are many significant landmarks which could undoubtedly be considered the "most famous" - Stonehenge, the Cliffs of Dover, Buckingham Palace.  However, Big Ben, the famous clock in London, seems to be the most iconic.  Having been built only in 1858, it has become one of the mst recognizable symbols of England in a rather relatively short period of time.

If You Learn Only One Thing About England, It Should Be This - The only house that the Queen may not enter is the House of Commons, as she is not a "commoner."

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